Best Occasions for Relaxing with a Glass of Wine

Relaxing With Wine

Wine and relaxation go hand-in-hand. Whether you’re winding down after a long day or celebrating an accomplishment, there are many occasions that call for a glass of your favorite rosé or pinot noir. For all your relaxing wine occasions, Columbia Distributing offers a diverse range of wine from your favorite brands to uncork and enjoy.

  1. Vacation. Now’s your chance to enjoy some uninterrupted “me” time. Take a break from reality and sit back with a glass of wine or two. If you’re on the beach, find a refreshing summer wine. And if you’re enjoying a winter holiday, there are many great seasonal and cold-weather varieties to choose from.
  2. Date Night. From casual date nights to anniversaries, wine is the perfect way to celebrate you and your significant other. As you start to relax, you’ll be able to live in the moment and truly be yourself.
  3. Good Days. Got promoted at work? Moving into a new house? Most good things usually require hard work, so an evening of relaxation is well-deserved.
  4. Bad Days. If you had a rough day, you need something to help release your pent-up tension and wash away your stress. Run a bath, grab a glass of wine and treat yourself to some much-needed self-care. Tomorrow is always a new day.
  5. TV Show Premiers. It’s Tuesday night and the premier of your favorite show is coming on. Invite over your friends and pour a glass of wine for everyone to sip on as the action onscreen unfolds.
  6. Good Books. When you discover a book you just can’t put down, make the occasion even more enjoyable with some wine. If you belong to a book club, bring some wine and hors d’oeuvres to make the discussion exciting.
  7. Holidays. Whether it’s Christmas, Thanksgiving or Valentine’s Day, holidays are a wonderful time to relax with some wine. After spending the day cooking or hanging out with family, wine is the perfect way to wind down.
  8. Friends Come to Visit. Reconnecting with friends? Make sure everyone has a glass of wine in their hand as they gather around to chat and catch up.

At Columbia Distributing, we have a wine for all your relaxing wine occasions. For more information about the brands and varieties of wine we carry, contact our Washington, Oregon or California facility by phone or online today.